viernes, septiembre 23, 2005

Dedicado a 7° B...

As all af you have finally found me, I owe you a post. Just a brief message to let you know how glad I am to be with you once again. We've shared many moments together and I'm pretty sure we'll share many more.
Today I got angry at some of you because I really hate when you argue. It's not that I have some favourite students, it's just that I know how important this year will be in your lives and I don't want you to remember 7° as something bad. Enjoy it as much as you can but without hurting people... Sorry for having yelled!
You are a great bunch! I love you ALL and Happy Spring Break!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Guide Aims To Help Bloggers Beat Censors
"Bloggers are often the only real journalists in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure," Julien Pain, head of the watchdog's Internet Freedom desk, writes in the introduction.
Nice to see some decent content for a change. FYI, I log on today and see that we've got a new feature, the 'Flag blog' button, which is inconveniently located between the 'Get Your Own Blog' and 'Next Blog' buttons so that we would presumably be getting some flags on error alone (although if one happens to notice it, you can unflag a blog) But that's a trivial matter. What concerns me is this: When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Ok, see the problem with this? What's "objectionable." I'm guessing there are a good deal of people that would likely deem my blog to be objectionable; and there lies the problem: what is objectionable and what is subjective. Just my 2 cents, Free Cell Phones

Anónimo dijo...


no tengo ganas de escribir ingles!!!!!encimea tamos de vacacionesss

toda la bagancia bue miss!!!que decir....gracias por dedicar un post a enrico "figuretti"....jeje bue miss no nos de mas temas!!chua

te dejo0 mi flog firma!!!disculpa las puteadas q puedn haber X ahi!!!!!